Windows 10 Media Creation Tool: Get specified language + version iso

I know most people know this already so this is more of a documentation to help me not forget how to do this.
Sometimes, you just need an installation media for, let’s say, Windows 10 Enterprise 21H1 English (US).
Generally, you have two options:
1. Get one from Microsoft Volume Licensing Center (Assuming you have the luxury and wallet to buy subscription)
2. Download one off random websites.

If you have a subscription to MSDN or MS VLSC, you can close this post now because that’s the correct option.
However, I couldn’t afford one myself and I don’t trust those weird websites unless it’s Microsoft official (and they require a subscription, so endless loop here)

Most of you probably heard of Windows 10 Media Creation Tool before. Yes, this page!
We can download Consumer edition of Windows 10 (latest version) from that script, so there should be a way of downloading business versions. But, how?
P.S. Consumer version = Home + Professional. Business version = Professional + Enterprise.

Well, you just need to download the latest Media Creation Tool exe, then run the commands below (example of 21H1 media creation tool, 64-bit en-US enterprise edition):
MediaCreationTool21H1.exe /Eula Accept /Retail /MediaArch x64 /MediaLangCode en-US /MediaEdition Enterprise|
What are the arguments here?
/Eula: End-user license agreement
/Retail: Retail packaging (not VLSC version)
/MediaArch: Your CPU architecture, 32/64-bit, arm etc…
/MediaLangCode: Obvious, the language code (ISO 639-1)
/MediaEdition: Windows Edition, Enterprise, Education, Home, Professional etc…

With the above arguments + cmd, you should be able to launch an instance of Media Creation Tool.
However, this isn’t it. Your journey ahead is still far from finish.
Once you launched the software and passed UAC, you’ll see a screen like this:

Depending on your device, it might take several minutes before the next step.
The next step is quite different from your general GUI-based process, it’s asking for a license key.

You might want to ask, where do i find it? Well, if you are a IT professional, you should have one purchased by your company, or wherever your licensing channels are. For the sake of demonstration, I’ll use the KMS key from Microsoft Official Website. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE PIRATE AND YOU SHOULDN’T DO IT ANYWAY.

After that, you’ll be presented two options: Upgrade this PC or Create Installation Media.

For our purpose, we’ll choose the second option, which will then brought another prompt asking either to send the file directly to a flash drive (choose this if you just want an install media that works, and have a spare USB) or ISO file (better for future storage). We’ll then choose the ISO file, which then you need to select a path and name to save the file. After that, you’ll see a screen like this:

When the process is over, you are almost done with the ISO creation.
You should see a screen like below, just press finish and you are done!

Be happy and make sure to use it in a proper way!

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